Dual head? Dual Seat! Two Users at One Computer at the Same Time!
HackWeek 17 - Continuing with the REST API
Dual head? Dual seat! Two users at one computer at the same time!
The openSUSE Conference 2018
Hackweek 16 - The YaST Integration Tests II.
Time-stamping Output and Profiling
Docker at Travis
Hackweek 15 - the YaST Integration Tests
Editing a Screencast in Gimp
Overcommit? Overcommit!
Debugger in YaST
Welcome to Jekyll!
Recording a screencast in Linux
The Atom Editor - part II. - The Atom Packages
The Atom Editor - part I. - Introduction
SUSE HackWeek12 - YaST: Replacing Travis by Jenkins
Git status in bash prompt - bash-git-prompt
Cucumber Testing Framework
Using Rubocop
Adding a new package to the inst-sys (openSUSE installation system) or to the rescue system
"New Installer" Details Have Been Published
Yast "New Installer" Development Started
OpenSUSE Hackweek VIII - New WebYaST home page
OpenSUSE Hackweek VIII - New WebYaST Demo Appliance
Switching from Gettext to FastGettext in a Rails3 app
OpenSUSE Hackweek VII - Hacking USB Joysticks in YaST
Improved Disk Usage Estimation in YaST Installer
Installing latest Intel graphics driver to openSUSE 11.4
openSUSE Conference 2010
WebYaST at Linuxtag 2010
Renaming a Rake task
Debugging Ruby on Rails Application